smartmusic studio logoMany people who use SmartMusic Studio simply have no idea of the wide array of alternate ways to use it as a teaching tool.  Everyone is familiar with the assessment aspect of SmartMusic, but thanks to help from some master SmartMusic educators we can learn some great ways to use it that you may not have thought of.


Many teachers think that SmartMusic's primary function is as an accompanist for solos.  At one time this may have been valid, but over the years features have been added to the program such that you can now incorporate SmartMusic into every part of your classroom.  Consider these examples:

Tips from  Mike Doll, Rawlinson Road Middle School, Rock Hill, SC

  • Use the Play By Ear Exercises (a fun ear training exercise) in loop mode as a large group warm-up prior to starting your rehearsal.  Show the exercise on a video projector and have the audio playing as students enter for rehearsal.  As each student finishes assembling their instrument they join in on the ear training exercise allowing you to take care of last minute issues like broken instruments or missing music. 
  • You can simplify your chair placement auditions by using SmartMusic Impact to keep track of what lines in the lesson book each student has passed.  Whoever has passed the most lines moves up to first chair. 
  • Use SmartMusic Impact to give playing assignments and to record playing tests.  Assignments given through Impact cannot be altered by students.  If you say they have to pass it at 88 beats per minute the system will not allow them to submit a recording made at any other speed!

Tips from Joe Clark, Claughton Middle School, Houston, TX 

  • Every computer with SmartMusic becomes an instant chromatic tuner.  Use this tuner to teach oboists how to crow a "C" in tune or a trumpet player how to kick out his third valve slide for "D." 
  • Use the tuner to help brass players visualize their mouthpiece buzzing.

Tips from Robert Grifa, Greenbrier Middle School, Chesapeake, VA

  • Use SmartMusic to visually demonstrate concepts like DC al Coda using lines from the beginner lesson books.
  • SmartMusic helps make listening to and evaluating student performances easier.  Start students out on simple, unstressful exercises that you know they will be successful with and have them "go for the green."

To view PART 1 of this article click here

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