Mozart 9 is a useful and competent music notation software program by a developer named David Weber. The software is a fairly popular alternative to the more expensive (and fully featured) offerings from Sibelius and Finale. Mozart is still very functional, and some users will find it easier to use than the other alternatives.
Mozart 9 provides users with a large list of templates from which to construct musical compositions. All of the major ensemble types are included as well as many specialized or regional ensembles such as Crumbhorn Quartets. The interface is rather spartan, but this can be a benefit as well as a hinderance. All of the needed buttons to edit the music are available at all times without having to search through lengthy menus. Notehead shapes are easily changed with a simple click of the mouse. All of the basic necessities are included such as stem direction, mordents, glissandi, triplets, etc.
While Mozart Music 9 is not as fully featured or visually stunning as its competitors it does provide a great deal of versatility at a much lower overall price tag. Those that are interested should download the free thirty day trial version of the software from the Mozart web site.