A tubaEverywhere we look young 5th and 6th graders all across the USA are begging and pleading with their parents to let them play a musical instrument in their school band.  A band director wants their students to be successful, and one of the most important things that contributes to that success is the condition and quality of the musical instrument that they are buying.  This article provides a kind of buyers guide for teachers to share with their students and for parents to use to help them find the best deal but without sacrificing their common sense in the process.  Read though this listing of useful articles to help you make the best decision.  Each section leads to a related article on that specific topic.  Feel free to use these articles in your classroom.

Buying Used Musical Instruments:  Getting The Best Deal 

There are a lot of things to consider when buying a used band instrument like a flute, clarinet , trumpet, trombone , or saxophone from someone other than a retail music store.  While private sales may be a way to get a really good price on a band instrument, they are not always the cheapest way to go.  There are pros and cons to purchasing instruments from both retailers and from private individuals and each of these will be discussed in this article .


Selecting Durable, High Quality Musical Instruments 

The price of an instrument should not be the guiding factor in choosing an instrument . How do you know that the instrument you purchase will hold up to the test of time?  Read this article to find out what to look for.

Rent or Buy?  Which is the best for your family?

You may think that buying a band instrument is a better financial investment than renting one when in truth, renting a band instrument may be a better deal for beginners.

Buying an Instrument on Ebay

Buying a musical instrument on eBay is an extremely simple affair. Simply enter your credit card and other personal info and make a bid on anything from a band instrument to a full sized car. While millions of transactions have taken place over the years on eBay, the one caveat that has always remained is that you are often buying something based solely on photographs that may or may not show you the whole story.

Choosing The Right Instrument To Play:  The Physical Demands of an Instrument

Choosing the right band instrument for your child should be based on more than just what your child wants to play. This article seeks to help you make the right decision by giving you examples of why your local band director might be nudging your student toward a specific instrument.





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