Asimo holding a conducting batonMusicEdMagic is three years old now and has matured nicely into something that I hope is of use to the many hundreds of people that read the newsletter each week and the many thousands more that visit on a regular basis.  Three years though is a long time, and I admit that from time to time I have written articles for the site that may have been less useful than I would have liked.  My new year's resolution is to try to get back to the basics in terms of what I personally write about on the site.  MusicEdMagic started as a place for me to force myself to learn new things that would help me in my classroom and then write about them so that others could benefit.  Although I never really lost sight of that goal I am now going to work very hard to get the train back on that solid, straight track to the future.  The problem is, after three years I find myself wondering what the readers of this site actually want to hear about.  To that end, I am throwing this out to all of MusicEdMagic's readership:

What do you want to learn about today?

Please communicate with me, either by the comment forms found at the bottom of each page or by email using the Contact The Webmaster form. If you have an idea that you personally are an expert on maybe you would like to share your knowledge with the rest of the world through this venue?  I am constantly looking for new authors and music teachers that just want to make a difference and help out our community as a whole.  Send me an article you have written or perhaps an old research paper that is sitting on your shelf collecting dust.  We'll put it up online and let it help others to improve themselves as educators.  I have always wanted MusicEdMagic to be a community effort, and it is my goal that in the future it will grow to be the best music education community on the Internet.  Let me know what you think!  I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Note:  The articles on this site may contain referral links to sites such as Amazon and other online retailers.  The small amount of income received from these links has helped keep up and running for over ten years now.  Thank you for your support!