Happy school girl clapping handsThis article contains links to free sheet music for the popular summer campfire song, If You're Happy and You Know It!  Included are PDF versions of the song, complete with written music notation, to use around the campfire this summer.  Also included are MP3 audio versions of the melody so you can hear what it is supposed to sound like as well as a Finale format music notation file that can be opened and edited to fit your camp's individual needs.



Creative Commons LicenseAny arrangements written by Chad Criswell and MusicEdMagic.com are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  There is no charge for these materials, but educational institutions that use them in their classrooms are asked to provide a link either in their printed concert programs or on their school web site linking to MusicEdMagic.com.

If You're Happy And You Know ItIf You're Happy And You Know It

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